Control Bid: A bid usually used to investigate slam and not intended as a place to play, ALERT. Cue bids are generally not alertable. No secret codes are allowed in bridge. The Michaels bridge bidding convention involves a direct overcall in the opponents' suit. If the suit was a cuebid of opponents' minor, the jump shows both majors. And with (C), your overcall depends on which suit the opponent opened -- over 1S, you would bid 2S Michaels to show the other major and a minor; over 1C, you would use the Unusual 2NT to show the two lower unbid suits. Some NON-ARTIFICIAL are also alertable. . Calls may be "natural" (that is, are based on a holding of the suit bid, or a balanced distribution in the case of a notrump bid) or "artificial" (show a feature unrelated to the . Tends to deny 3+ card support for either suit. A helpful convention: Leaping Michaels (direct-seat overcalls after they open a weak 2-bid). This is a bid of a suit with no intention that the bid suit should be the trump suit. However, they *must* explain their agreements regarding any bid they make . 1 Cue-Bids and Natural Bids of a Suit Bid Previously by an Opponent A Cue-bid is a bid of a suit previously bid by an Opponent, a suit in which the Bidder has no interest in playing, and is, therefore, artificial and forcing, either for 1-round, else to a Game-level contract. Non-forcing. A non-forcing sign-off. A bridge convention is an agreement about an artificial call or a set of related artificial calls. After an Opening Bid and a Response, a Cuebid with any meaning. Over an opponent's Weak 2-Bid in a major (opening of 2H or 2S), here are the meanings of "Leaping Michaels" direct overcalls: . Its meaning varies depending on the context in which it is bid. +++++ The alert procedures take care of this situation. Michaels cue-bid Edit Michaels cue-bid is a convention. Source: Mike's Advice by ACBL. The cue bid over a minor-suit opening shows both majors while the cue bid over a major-suit opening shows the other major and a minor suit. 1 - 2 = 5 hearts and 5 spades. Michaels Cuebid. If partner has no further first round control, he can sign off in the agreed suit. After the opponents have opened at the one-level, the overcaller bids the same suit at the two-level; the two normal cases are: It shows interest in contesting If a bid is alertable, it must be delay alerted (unless playing with screen or online) if it is above the level of 3NT, or control bids even if it is below 3NT . Bidding style is not alertable. A Cue Bid is a versatile bid that has several possible meanings, depending on where in the auction it happens. 3) 2NT UNUSUAL NO TRUMP showing peer suited in the lowest unbid suits is forcing, not alertable. Example: If an opponent opens 1 showing spades, then 1 and 2 are both cue bids. CUE BID. A bid of two of the suit which the enemy has just bid is called a "Michael's Cue Bid", promising at least 8HCP and two five-card suits including at least one unbid Major, or two Majors when the enemy bid a minor. Directly from the ACBL website: Most cuebids are not Alertable. Because your part-ner is 5-5 in the majors, it hints that there is going to be extra distribution around the table, and that gives some impetus to more bidding. There is not a commonly accepted strength range, it is a matter of partnership agreement. Cue bids are not alertable, as opponents are assumed to remember what suits they bid. BBO Discussion Forums: alertable cue-bid ? 3. The opponents must know exactly what the bids mean, just like your partner. Cue Bid summary. It is typically reserved for hands with a 5-5 (or longer) pattern. Over the opponent's 1-of-a-minor opening, I would bid 2-of their-minor with this hand (planning to accept whatever decision partner makes). Opponents have the right to assume that a call that is not alerted is natural by agreement -however players are also expected to protect themselves if a call that could well be non-natural isn't alerted when it should be. Cue bid of opponents' suit in . Whilst an ordinary overcall shows a single long suit of 5 or more cards, a Michaels Cue Bid shows two long suits of 5 cards or more - in one bid. Meaning. Cue-bids, because of their universal meaning are usually not alertable. Some Alerts are delayed until the auction is completed. The hand has lots of defensive strength, so South doesn't want to 'over'-compete when the opponents can't make anything. . What's Standard? Leaping Michaels - A 4 level minor suit jump or skip bid in opponents' preemptive bid to show a game forcing auction with a two-suited hand. Alert all completions if you are allowed to break the transfer since even a simple completion carries a message. Jump in a minor (2S-4C or 4D) = That minor + the other major, strong 5-5 or better.Direct cuebid (2H-3H) = Asks for stopper for notrump. Convention In this lesson I discuss how the Michaels cue bid works, when it applies, what hands to use it on, and how to respond to it. Bidding a new suit shows first round control in that suit (ace or void), and asks partner to bid first round controls in the most economical order. MICHAELS Cue Bid in opponent's suit showing peer suited in the highest ranking unbid suits is forcing, not alertable. E.g. Direct . Cue bid. asking bids (unless made as the opening bid), most meanings of cue-bids, strong artificial and forcing 2 openings, any 2 response to the aforementioned 2 opening, and most doubles & redoubles (unless highly unusual or a support double/redouble) and passes (unless highly unusual). Response. Usually, a Michaels bid is made with a preemptive (weakish hand, such as): K J 9 8 5 K J 10 4 2 4 3 2. Skip bids are not given any special status - generally they should be alerted if conventional and not alerted if natural. Most of these documents are based on information from a variety of sources and are primarily intended to show all the related . In contract bridge, a cue bid (also, cuebid or cue-bid) is a term that applies to two types of bid: A bid of a suit that has already been bid by opponents. Over a suit bid, it can be Michaels Cue Bid, showing 5 - 5 distribution and 8 to 14 HCP [1 . MICHAELS CUE-BID / UNUSUAL NOTRUMP SUMMARY Over a minor it shows both majors and over a major it shows the other major and a minor. Cuebid: A bid in a suit which an opponent has either bid naturally or in which he has shown four or more cards.1 4. Michaels, Top-and-bottom, and old fashioned strong takeout would not be considered very unusual or unexpected. The Michaels Cue Bid is a cue bid of two of the suit opened. - BBO Discussion Forums. However, I could also make a Michaels bid with a super hand such as : A K Q 10 5 A K J 10 4 K 2 2. After an Opening Bid and an Overcall, a Cuebid by either side that shows a raise, or an Average Strength or stronger hand, or either possibility. 4. A non-forcing sign-off. 1. It says that you have at least 5 cards in each of the highest unbid suits. Some partnerships prefer a wider range for Michaels and would use that call with the above hand. they bid 1H my cue-bid mean same as Michaels, 5/5 in S and an unspecified minor If I am 5/5 in C and D then Unusual 2N (unusual 2N) they bid 1S my cue-bid mean same as Michaels, 5/5 in H and an unspecified minor If I am 5/5 in C and D then Unusual 2N (unusual 2N) Some players bid 'up the line', some prefer to show a major ahead of a 4 or even a 5 . After the opponents have bid a suit, a cue bid of that suit is normally intended as a forcing bid. Cue-Bids can mean various things at different . Similarly a 2NT overcall of 1NT is also a cue bid. The Michael's cue bid is a very popular bidding convention to show distributional handshands usually with at least 55 shapes (5521). Transfer: A bid of a suit to show another specific suit (e.g. Sep 11, 2015 conventions. We should use the term "cuebid" only when bidding a suit which the opponents have bid. The next page will then appear telling you what you should have bid and continuing the auction. A cue bid is defined as a bid of a suit shown by an opponent or of the denomination bid by an opponent. T. he Michaels cuebid brain-child of the late Mike Mi-chaels allows a player to describe a two-suited hand in one bid in competitive auctions. This is a traditional use of the term, but in the early 21st century the usage appears to be giving way to control bid. Cue bids in opponent's suit are not alertable, because they are self-alerting. 2. In addition, the Alerter must say "Alert." All these direct overcall bids are known as Michael's cue-bids:-. With (B), an Unusual 2NT shows both suits without promising great high-card strength. However if the 6-5 shape features a six-card minor then the general agreement is that the emphasis should lie in showing the two specific suits.The second of these exceptions will occur if your system incorporates a cue-bid of 2 over your opponents' 1 opening bid, promising both majors (as in the Michael's cue-bid).. You will then have the option of playing this bid on 5-4 shape. In ACBL territory, most cue bids are not alertable. Pass. You will find that your opponents don't often sit still when your partner uses Michaels. However, I could also make a Michaels bid with a super hand such as : A K Q 10 5 A K J 10 4 K 2 2. Calls made during the auction phase of a contract bridge game convey information about the player's card holdings. Convention Directory From CardShark BidBase To open a linked file in a new window, hold the shift key down as you click on the link. The exceptions are direct cue bids that are natural, and cue bids with very unusual or unexpected meanings. 2. 2.3 Cue bids For the purposes of these Regulations, a cue bid of opponent's suit is defined as a bid of any denomination bid by the opponent or suits shown by the opponent's bid. sometimes the LHO might mean it to be natural and other times another LHO might mean it to be MichaelsThe advice some directors are giving me is 'we should ask', which I do not want to do. Michaels Cue Bids are used as a way of showing 2 suits at the same time when overcalling in bridge. to judge whether to bid again if advancer bids at the cheapest level. After the overcaller shows . Response. 2. Non-forcing. (why help my opponents out). So Michaels, UCB, UNT and cue-bid raises are alertable. The Michaels cuebid brainchild of the late Mike Michaels allows a player to describe a two-suited hand in one bid in competitive auctions. danny October 1st, 2011 at 10:54 am. May have 0 points, since the Michaels overcall is a forcing bid. The Michaels Cue-Bid is an excellent idea. There is no point minimum for making a Michaels overcall, although obvious factors like vulnerability should be considered. 6. Some partnerships also agree to specific ranges (see "Other Considerations", below). . 1. Jump to content. On the final page of each Deal partner's hand will be shown. However, any cuebid which conveys a very unusual or unexpected meaning still requires an Alert. If the jump suit is was not bid by an opponent, the jump shows length in the suit bid and the opposite major. Alert a 1C opening bid if you are playing a Strong Club system, or if partner could have fewer than 3 clubs, but don't alert a 1C or 1D opening that shows at least three cards in the opened suit. 5. 1 - 2 = 5 hearts and 5 spades. . A slam-investigating bid made during an auction's later rounds that shows control of a suit. By Mike Lawrence. (Provided they can do ths without giving UI or waking the opponents up) Opening Bid. Over the opponent's 1-of-a-minor opening, I would bid 2-of their-minor with this hand (planning to accept whatever decision partner makes). Michaels Cue Bid Michaels is a cue-bid that promises a two-suited hand, with at least five cards in each suit. Natural, showing a very good diamond suit (usually 6+) since the Michaels cue-bidder usually has only 0-2 diamonds. This Michael's cue bid is usually used in the direct position, i.e., immediately after an opponent has made their bid. So, (1S)-2S showing minors would not be alertable. . In a slam investigation, when the partnership has agreed a trump suit (either explicitly or implicitly), the cue bid of a suit shows a control in that suit. Meaning. It is typically reserved for hands with a 5-5 (or longer) pattern. by opener opener bids 2nt with all maximum hands 15 16 game forcing where 3 is a further checkback with a minimum 12 14 opener bids naturally in a major suit or bids 2 eric kokish recommends, acol bidding bidding conventions 111 to c conventions 111 to c 2nt after opponents double a bid of 2nt after the opponents double partners bid shows a If he opens one of a major, your cue . Unusual bidding conventions must be "alerted," which means that if you make an unusual bid, your partner must say "alert" or pull the blue "Alert" card out of the bidding box. May have 0 points, since the Michaels overcall is a forcing bid. It is a low-level cue-bid of the opponent's suit that shows support with your partner's suit and a hand that is strong enough for a good raise to the next level, at least. Below is a current list of documents referenced in the BidBase bidding database in support of the criteria specified for making bids. Usually, a Michaels bid is made with a preemptive (weakish hand, such as): K J 9 8 5 K J 10 4 2 4 3 2.