/ Jack Marshall. Finally, the UCLA student, Alexandra Wallace, has now withdrawn from UCLA effective immediately. You'd like to think that Alexandra Wallace, the charmer of a UCLA student who posted a racist rant about Asians last Friday, was drunk when she made her now-infamous video. 1,370 likes. After all, 40% of . On Tuesday we covered the racist rant by a white UCLA student named Alexandra Wallace that has been making the rounds-and, I think, offering some lessons about the challenges of responding to ignorant and hateful speech.. As Jos noted, the Asian Pacific Coalition at UCLA offered excellent suggestions for how to respond to the video in a productive way. Responses to UCLA Student's Racist Rant. UCLA spokesman Phil Hampton said he could not comment on her statement about leaving school. Even Miley Cyrus went full Yellow and she was only 16! Click Like on the page to show your. She's apparently a student at UCLA (lowering their standards, are they? 21, 2011In a victory for the First Amendment, officials at University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA) announced late on Friday, March 18, that UCLA had dropped its disciplinary investigation of student Alexandra Wallace's "Asians in the Library" YouTube video. The answer may seem like an obvious yes; however, like most things in life the simplest solutions are sometimes the most complex. LOS ANGELES When Alexandra Wallace recorded her rant about Asian students using cellphones in the library at the University of California, Los Angeles, she was alone, speaking . Shortly after the earthquake and tsunami devastated Japan on Friday, Alexandra Wallace, 20, posted a three-minute video on YouTube in which she mocked Asian languages and expressed her annoyance. Her modeling career is almost certainly over now that she is officially known as "Racist Alexandra Wallace," or "Racist UCLA Girl." I must have missed the amendment . Contact Alexandra at awallace421@gmail.com; she looks forward to hearing from you! She told the campus newspaper it was due to harassment of her family, death threats, and being ostracized by an entire community. In what now turned out to be a tactical move by UCLA student Alexandra Wallace, the stupid co-ed will be swimming up to Hugh Hefner in the coming weeks to discuss being featured in Playboy. March 31, 2013 By paulmbanks 52 Comments. Meet Alexandra Wallace. First Amendment activists said they were pleased with UCLA's decision and said that other colleges should act similarly, as other students elsewhere are certain at times to post silly and offensive things on YouTube and Facebook. ''In an attempt to produce a humorous YouTube . She prefaced her YouTube video by saying, "I'm not the most politically correct person." UCLA student Alexandra Wallace quickly proved that, launching into a three-minute tirade that ridiculed . Student and model Alexandra Wallace, who is self-identified on YouTube, posted a nearly three minute . The video by Alexandra Wallace, a third-year political science major, did not meet those standards, he said. ), and she's bitching about the "hordes of Asians" at the school, and all of the things that they and their families do that get on her nerves: Mar 15, 2011. Back in 2011, she received death threats due to her moronic YouTube rant. But musician Jimmy Wong has somehow managed to take the incident and totally flip it . March 20, 2011. In the letter she apologizes again for the offending video. Mar 15, 2011 #4. In a statement, Vice Chancellor of Student Affairs Janina Montero explained that Wallace's video rant did not violate the Student Code of Conduct, and the university does not punish free speech. She had to get personal escorts / change her appearance to finish finals that quarter. In what now turned out to be a tactical move by UCLA student Alexandra Wallace, the stupid co-ed will be swimming up to Hugh Hefner in the coming weeks to discuss being featured in Playboy. . March 20, 2011. Before I get started on this lovely open letter, for those of you who don't know, Alexandra Wallace is a UCLA student who posted the above YouTube video yesterday about her rant on Asian students making too much noise in the library and other things. The student, who has been identified as Alexandra Wallace, claims that the "hordes" of Asian students at UCLA (UCLA's undergraduate population is about 37 percent Asian and Pacific Islander) cause various annoyances like loudly talking on their cell phones in the library and having their extended families come over and do their chores for them. She made a poor judgement that will probably affect her future and if the students at UCLA don't know Alexandra Wallace, they ALL do now. THE DIRTY ARMY: Nik, that biggot Alexandra Wallace dropped out of UCLA. THE DIRTY ARMY:Nik, that biggot Alexandra Wallace dropped out of UCLA. On Friday Wallace's family released a second statement to the Daily Bruin in which she apologized again for her anti-Asian video, and announced that she's withdrawing from UCLA because of concern for her safety. A UCLA student whose racist rant about Asians went viral over the weekend has received multiple death threats, school officials said. Well, it's official. She's got a problem with Asians -- specifically, the "hordes" of Asians (and their families) in her apartment complex and the Asians answering their phones in "ching chong ling long ting tong" at the library. I'm guessing the UCLA library will be a LOT more quiet now during Finals Week. WESTWOOD (CBS) A UCLA co-ed is under fire after an anti-racist rant appears on YouTube. UCLA outraged after student Alexandra Wallace slams Asians in video rant Discussion in 'News & Current Events (Articles Required)' started by Paxton25, Mar 15, 2011. . That's all everyone needs to know. She prefaced her YouTube video by saying, "I'm not the most politically correct person." UCLA student Alexandra Wallace quickly proved that, launching into a three-minute tirade that ridiculed . Alexandra Wallace, creator of the infamous "Asians in the Library" video, is withdrawing from UCLA, despite the university's decision not to discipline her. Donate Now. Alexandra Wallace has publicly confirmed that she does not have a facebook page so any URL you have proclaiming to be her, is not Alexandra. Contrary to popular belief she continued to finish her degree with UCLA, just primarily (maybe only) from online classes to my understanding. Alexandra Wallace was just another student at UCLA last week. March 18, 2011 4:57 p.m. Alexandra Wallace announced she will no longer be attending UCLA in an apology letter released to the Daily Bruin on Friday. Alexandra Wallace, a third-year Political Science student at UCLA, says she has received death threats since a video rant about Asian students using their phones inside the library . Alexandra Wallace (UCLA Library B!#!$). By Angus Johnston "We have no intention of pursuing a discipline matter . Today marks the 10-year anniversary of a song I wrote in response to Alexandra Wallace, a UCLA student who posted a video rant online that caused an uproar, and for good reason. Alexandra Wallace Earlier Alexandra Wallace, the UCLA student whose YouTube rant about Asian students sparked national disgust, apparently planned a series of similar videos and sought domain. UCLA student Alexandra Wallace posted a rant about Asian students using cell phones in the library to YouTube on March 13th, 2011. The school had announced earlier in the day that it would not proceed with any investigation or disciplinary action against Wallace for the video in which she complained about Asian students' behavior and crudely mimicked Asian languages. I wonder if the fact that UCLA is 37% Asian might have had something to do with it? THREAD (RTs and shares pls) 1:54 PM - 15 Mar 2021 589 Retweets 1,884 Likes In a world where what gets posted online cannot be un-posted, will Alexandra find her internet notoriety a liability in the future? Since you are using your right hand to pretend "Cell phone," you can't do it full justice with just your left hand. Update: "Was UCLA 'Asians in the Library' Video One Big Publicity Stunt?" Update: Death threats, poli-sci finals and the First Amendment. Too many Ninjas after her sorry ass! level 1. Wallace, the creator of the "Asians in the. It's a good thing she has a modeling career to count on, because she's too much of a bimbo to be taken seriously in politics; although the American voters seems to enjoy voting for the intellectually challenged, Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid, Billy Long. Not too long after, she became the target of a whole LOTTA angry Asians who accused her of being racist and declared that her video was hate . Too many Ninjas after her sorry ass! UCLA student posts racist rant about Asians on Youtube-> Student receives barrage of death threats> Scared for life, student makes apology fast and gets it published in the school newspaper-> Pissed UCLA student organizations and Chancellor respond with vigorbut so far no ACTION has been taken to reprimand the third-year student, Alexandra Wallace. ( source) Many of you have probably seen the recent anti-Asian rant released by UCLA student Alexandra Wallace. Well, it's some annoying, blonde bimbo ranting about how annoyed she is by the Asians she goes to school with. But later in the day, the student, Alexandra Wallace, announced that she was withdrawing from UCLA because of death threats and because she had been "ostracized from an entire community." Contact Alexandra at awallace421@gmail.com; she looks forward to hearing from you! Jared Taylor, American Renaissance, March 21, 2011 . To Ms. Wallace's dismay, her instant popularity was rather negative as her attempt to vent her discomfort let to immediate verbal and virtual attacks . Now that UCLA student Alexandra Wallace has confirmed that she did in fact put up the racist "Asians in the Library" YouTube video that caused such a fuss over the weekend, more and more students are raising the issue of what punishment if any she should face. Tape the eyes back. Before I get started on this lovely open letter, for those of you who don't know, Alexandra Wallace is a UCLA student who posted the above YouTube video yesterday about her rant on Asian students making too much noise in the library and other things. Here's how you do it: 1. In the meantime, you have serious incidents like this involving Black students that go absolutely unpunished. Open letter to Alexandra Wallace March 23, 2011 What happened to Alexandra Wallace (Racist YouTube UCLA Girl)? You've probably heard of the racist "UCLA Girl" as she's known, Alexandra Wallace. Alexandra Wallace.cultural critic, YouTube star, pariah, GONE. Open Letter to Alexandra Wallace. Plus: UCLA Chancellor Gene Block makes a video of his own, and bikini pics of Wallace turn up to join the shitshow. Jean-Marie Valheur , political aficionado & former journalist P.S. Updated: 13:07 EST, 15 March 2011. All day yesterday, and into the wee hours of this morning, Alexandra Wallace was sparking controversy and discussion on the Web, following a racist rant that she uploaded to YouTube called . Origin. There are now scores of "replies" and "parodies" on YouTube, most of them vile, many of them obscene. UCLA student Alexandra Wallace has issued an apology for her anti-Asian rant which, after going viral, elicited strong reactions from members of the UCLA community. via Colorlines: Read More 1,467 +99 Catholic Over the weekend Alexandra Wallace, the UCLA student that was ostracized after uploading a racist rant against Asians to YouTube shortly after the tsunami in Japan, apologized and announced that. University of California Police Department spokeswoman Nancy Greenstein told the Daily Bruin that Wallace contacted UCPD after . March 31, 2013 By paulmbanks 52 Comments You've probably heard of the racist "UCLA Girl" as she's known, Alexandra Wallace. For her part, Wallace has apologized, and is laying low. LOS ANGELES (AP) -- A student who posted an Internet video of her tirade against the Asian population at the University of California, Los Angeles, said Friday night that she is leaving the school, despite the university's decision not to discipline her. WESTWOOD (KTLA) -- In a letter to the Daily Bruin on Friday, Amanda Wallace, the UCLA student whose racist rant about "Asians in the library", said she has chosen to no longer attend the university. The trouble is, "a leftist political agenda", ultimately, is the creation of an oligarchical socialism, with 99% of the human race enslaved to the leftist elite. 9 yr. ago. March 31, 2013 By paulmbanks 52 Comments. In it, she says that "hordes" of Asians who are admitted to UCLA inappropriately bring their parents along and obnoxiously speak foreign languages in the . Following UCLA's announcement, however, Wallace released a statement apologizing and indicating that she . For a UCLA pity admit whose poli-sci career is obviously going nowhere, what could be better for her best shot reality TV with a side of B-list. Or very, very . (CBS) - Alexandra Wallace has become rather infamous after posting a video on YouTube deriding Asians at UCLA. In a statement to The Daily Bruin, Alexandra apologized and said that . Alexandra Wallace equipped with a dorm room, a pushup bra, a webcam and two. Mar. National newspapers have held you up to ridicule, and UCLA's vice chancellor for . As Wallace's video made the rounds last week, so did one by Rebecca Black. P.S. Tbh, and I have never told anyone about this, but I felt bad for her, ruining her life. I found her young and dumb and hoped that it would all blow over and she would be forgotten. My mistake, however, has lead to the harassment of my family, the publishing of my personal information, death threats, and being ostracized from an entire community. Basically, she's been driven out by the vicious fallout from her diatribe: Alexandra Wallace apologizes, announces she will no longer attend UCLA. FIRE, Alexandra Wallace, and Defending Offensive Speech The Foundation for Individual Rights in Education inappropriately editorializes a racist video posted by a UCLA student. Alexandra Wallace, the UCLA student who created an obnoxious and offensive video stereotyping her Asian colleagues as gibberish-spouting boors, announced that she was leaving the school as a result of "being ostracized" by "an . Interestingly, Wallace's rant was seen as humorous, and . In the video, Wallace states that she was annoyed by Asian parents washing their children's clothes and cooking their food and expresses irritation at Asian students using their cell phones in the library while performing a racially insensitive . What is it? What happened to Alexandra Wallace (Racist YouTube UCLA Girl)? Her background working in the beauty industry, along with modeling experience has given her insight into what looks great on the individual. The letter, which was sent to the newspaper by a representative of Wallace, said that she was trying to be humorous, but amid fears for her safety . She writes in a letter to the UCLA Daily Bruin: I made a mistake. By now you have heard the anti-Asian rant by Alexandra Wallace, the UCLA PolySci student. Although Alexandra has apologized for her video in the wake of the negative reaction it spawned, it is now all over the internet. I wonder if the fact that UCLA is 37% Asian might have had something to do with it? Alexandra Wallace may not be as dumb as she acts. So the short answer to OP is yes, because I felt bad, I looked her up annually, updated her digital footprints up until 2019. You took it down two days later, but it went viral anyway. $20/mo According to free speech advocates and some legal pros, UCLA was correct in the decision to not discipline student Alexandra Wallace for her controversial, three-minute, video manifesto. Accordingly, for personal safety reasons, I have chosen to no longer attend classes at UCLA. She's a UCLA political science student with something on her mind. She told the campus newspaper it was due to harassment of her family, death threats, and being ostracized by an entire community. Our Douchebag of the Day comes in the form of UCLA student Alexandra Wallace who in her 3-minute video rant complains about the "hordes of Asian people that UCLA accepts into our school every In her second apology of the week, Miss Wallace said: 'In an attempt to produce a humorous YouTube video, I have offended the UCLA community and the entire Asian culture. Wallace, who reportedly had other racist rants in the works, announced she was withdrawing from UCLA, notes LA Now, "because of death threats and because she had been 'ostracized from an entire . I made a mistake. Alexandra Wallace, a student at UCLA, posted a video rant on YouTube called "Asians in the Library," in which she criticizes the school for accepting "these hordes of Asian people" (YouTube). I did not want to write about now-infamous UCLA student Alexandra Wallace and her ignorant racist YouTube rant complaining about Asian American families, manners and Asians talking on their cellphones in the library during "the tsunami thing," complete with mocking ching-chong nonsense. How will she face the Asian students? She has now gone into hiding. March 15, 2011. Alexandra Wallace, a former UCLA student, was mercilessly tormented for expressing harmless thoughts about Asians at her school in a YouTube video. Or high. Here in Hawaii, Asian-Americans (from every Asian country practically) make up the majority of the population, with Caucasians being second. My mistake, however, has lead to the harassment of my family, the publishing of my personal information, death threats, and being ostracized from an entire community. No, not you Alexandra Wallace. 2. Alexandra Wallace, a junior political science major, has sought the protection of campus police after she received several calls and emails from people threatening revenge for her recording the tirade, titled "Asians in the Library," campus police said. Azeroth IB Rank: Chimp | 13 Alexandra is an economics student at UCLA, with a passion for recession- friendly fashion. Post a comment if you have anything to say in response to her video. She has probably returned to her family in Fair Oaks, to re-evaluate what to do with her life and where to finish her political science degree. See also, "Alexandra Wallace: Asian American YouTube . Professors accomodated her with private exams in some cases. Lisa Wade, PhD on March 18, 2011. Her background working in the beauty industry, along with modeling experience has given her insight into what looks great on the individual. Alexandra Wallace, the UCLA political science student whose video mocking Asian students and their families became a huge social media sensation, says in a letter to the Daily Bruin that she won't be returning to classes after spring break.