This part of Southern California has my Moon/IC line going over it, which means that were I born here on the same day at the same time as I was born in Ohio, my natal Moon . start stacking sats b. Posts: 1175 From: California Registered: Sep 2017: posted August 06, 2021 06:29 AM Hi all. The IC is perhaps the most personal and mysterious of the astrological angles, because it symbolizes what one comes into the world equipped with: one's family heritage, social class, ethnic background (and the social status it bestows), religion, etc. Spark your imagination when thinking about natal, transit, solar return, or progression meanings. First locate where you live and look to see if there is a triangle with the symbol of a planet or connecting meridian line running through, also view the area surrounding (approx. Things become easier when they fall under these lines. Channel the energy of the moon or quite literally take a vacay somewhere on your moon line. She was very emphatic about this. Let the stars be your guide. Oh dear, the astrologer didn't mention that and I didn't know to ask. When a planet is relocated to an Angle, it indeed becomes very powerful. May 17, 2017. Near the Moon line is the Uranus imum coeli (UR IC) line. An Astrocartography chart is created by mapping out your personal planetary lines from your Natal Chart to the globe. ~ C. G. Jung, Synchronicity, An Acausal Principle I first discovered astro*carto*graphy, travel or relocation by the stars, by chance. The meaning of the IC in astrology focuses on our private lives, personal foundations, and roots, and it can tell us lots about our inner world. Astrocartography is one of several methods of locational astrology, which claims to identify varying life conditions through differences in location. Use it to travel, to find new relationships, and to improve your life. Moon Line This line depicts the locations where your feminine side is at its strongest. Sun Line Astrocartography- The Sun is representative of your identity, ego, and yourself. It sounds fun, but astrocartography is a complex field that requires a lot of analysis and . While some of the planetary lines on your map run from north to south, others arc from east to west, reflecting the four astrological angles . I've been practicing Astrology for more or less 10 years now. The Map: An astrocartography map is usually the entire planet, but you can also get a map for each hemisphere. Moon Lines On Your Astro Map - Good For Motherhood or Parenting and Taking Care Of Others Feeling Deeply, Understanding Your True Needs Watch out for a tendency to rescue and 'mother' all and sundry, the weak and vulnerable will gravitate towards your calming presence, however you don't need to look after everyone! Permalink. Some have suggested the NN line is = to a combination of Jupiter and Venus, and the SN line equal to a combination of Mars and Saturn; others have stated that the NN line means an uplifting and improving environment, with the SN line indicating a negative, decreasing or downplaying environment. An A*C*G Map Kit comes with an A*C*G Manual with explanations of each of the planetary lines as seen in the illustration. Even if you aren't directly on a planetary line, you'll still feel the orb of influence of that line up to 400 miles. 08 ARI 21m 06s MOON (10TH HOUSE) 07 N 01 21 VIR 39 04 N 02 12 SAG 34m 24s MERCURY R ( 6TH HOUSE) 22 S 20 17 CPR 26 00 S 01 13 CPR 34m 52s VENUS ( 7TH HOUSE) 24 S 53 16 SAG 25 . Chance favors the prepared mind. 2 of 5. illustrated by Anna Sudit. Be prepared to get a lot of information from your astrocartography chart. FIRST: BAD INTERPRETATIONS Most of the cook book or cut-and-past astrology explanations on all the popular sites that appear online on your search are absolutely garbage bullshit and offer no insight. The Imuni Coeli (IC): The IC line is associated with your origins, your home, your family, security, and how that foundation influences your identity. Uranus, the planet of . So, while any sort of locational astrology can be helpful when you're deciding where to move, it's important to consider one major caveat: You bring yourself, your likes and dislikes, and your . Whats interestingaside from the general experience of moving country directly yet unknowingly to an area that potentially promotes the soul's roots and layers is that this/my Moon's Node/IC Line falls directly on his birthtown where his family is from for many generations. Something I noticed about my location chart was that the country Ive been longing to go to for years now is right on my Moon and Jupiter . You begin to understand your objective when your first-day actions are tailored towards you locating your function. Make sure that in your projected location the Jupiter-Node planetary direction line doesn't cross the Chiron-IC line and that there are either no paran lines or reasonable ones. Moon Line Astrocartography- Your emotions, subconscious world, feminine energy, and instincts are governed by the Moon. moon line astrocartography Navigation Services; Case; Leadership; Contact Mercury When under a Mercury line, one can expect to be mentally active, and chatty. Some have suggested the NN line is = to a combination of Jupiter and Venus, and the SN line equal to a combination of Mars and Saturn; others have stated that the NN line means an uplifting and improving environment, with the SN line indicating a negative, decreasing or downplaying environment. So recently I got into astro location charts. Know your angles. While the idea of . If viewing this from a past life standpoint, a Moon line could indicate where the person might have spent other lifetimes. The most common symbol is the combination of the letters P and L. This represents both the abbreviated form of the planet Pluto, as well as the initials . Local Space and Astrocartography Maps. Obviously, that would be the geographical line along which Mars was on the Midheaven at the time of your birth. Where you want to spend time around family or start a family. The different planetary lines include The Sun, The Moon, Venus, Saturn, Pluto, Mars, Uranus, Neptune, Mercury, and Jupiter. You can get your free astrocartography chart done here (as always, for an accurate reading your exact birth time will be needed). An astrocartography chart is created by mapping out your personal planetary lines from your Natal Chart on to the globe. The Map: An astrocartography map is usually the entire planet, but you can also get a map for each hemisphere. To be more precise, you will be more emotional and dependent on your instincts when operating in these areas. Funnily enough, my moon line (which represents emotion) connects with my IC (home and family) and runs through Havana, Cuba, which is where my grandmother (who I've always been connected to) is from. Use the energy, to find out the best planet lines to visit and where they are for you. In astrology, Pluto is represented by various symbols. An empowered line (meaning your sun, moon, mercury, venus, mars or Jupiter) from a country or city where you have meridian circles or triangles will also bring good energy into your life and home, for example you might have lots of energy around Africa. J.Crow's Lugol's Iodine Solution. There are lines running vertically and horizontally on the map. New vid: On Astrocartography Soundbites. The word uranography dating back to 1675 is derived from ancient Greek meaning sky, heaven, 'to write' and mapping the stars. Since that isn't the case for you, I'd be interested in the complete relocated chart in question. Clearly, there are deep astrological and ancestral roots to that region. Posts: 1175 From: California Registered: Sep 2017: posted August 06, 2021 06:29 AM Hi all. At the same time, though, your inner mom will shine in these places. These locations are shown as lines on the AstroCartoGraphy world map. AND the IC line 'energy going from deep within to your own subjective environment, and helps ground the person within a strong foundation of self'--- this with mars energy could be a good combo with living near my moon line-- i'm thinking maybe it could balance feminine and masculine energies within me ( masculine MARS FIRE ASSERTION and the . Astrocartography; Astrology; Moon; Tom Jacobs November 11, 2014. Astrology is so much more than your birth chart. The Planetary Lines: Each planet has four positions, the Asc (ascendant), Dsc (Descendant), IC (Immuni coeli), and Medi Coeli, or MC . Decorating your home with an African theme or pictures or taking up Djembe An example of how this might manifest in your astrocartography chart: If you travel or move to your moon AC line, you might be extra emotional, sensitive, or nurturing in a public-facing way,. Some Fundamentals of Astrocartography. Well, the Moon in astrocartography is usually positive unless it's got difficult aspects. Astrocartography; Astrology; Moon; Tom Jacobs November 11, 2014. . A globe map has more than 40 lines due to four-axis points, i.e., ac, ic, dc, and mc. The Sun in your love life may ask that your relationships allow independent growth, that your partner even encourage this growth. This interpretation of the Moon in aspect to the IC embraces a loose brainstorm-style of writing to explore astrological themes. Yikes, a slow-motion on this side. If you want to connect to the unconscious or explore the mysteries of life, go somewhere on your Neptune line. I'm in Encinitas, CA for a couple of days following Steven Forrest's Apprenticeship Program meeting. Like within 50 KM. Mercury When under a Mercury line, one can expect to be mentally active, and chatty. The Sun in astrology can represent the father. Living with your parents into adulthood. The other issue relates to the Moon in general, which can be a little tricky. Because local space is more about where you are now, and we're interested in where you should go, we'll be focusing on relocated charts and astrocartography. "Astrocartography looks at where certain planets in your chart work with or against these cardinal points," Monahan says. This page will use the maps for well-known persons to illustrate how you can use the two map . First of all it makes sense if you have a specific attraction, pull or feeling of homesickness regards a certain country/place in the world. Your Astro*Carto*Graphy map, based on your birth time, shows where each planet sat directly above the earth when you were born, and much more. You are . It is great for the astro buff or anyone curious about where they are living and how they . The Planetary Lines: Each planet has four positions, the Asc (ascendant), Dsc (Descendant), IC (Immuni coeli), and Medi Coeli, or MC . "It's the place you'll look and feel most beautiful," says Dubinet. Astro Maps show all locations on the earth where planets were "angular" (rising, setting, on the zenith or nadir . May 17, 2017. Pluto line. There are also four angles associated with astrocartography, which are. Depending on which line crosses a point can indicate different things. Local space. I just recently discovered astrocartography. The map shows all areas which have a connection at birth to the Sun, Moon, the planets and the Moon's Nodes along with the cusps of the four cardinal houses (AS, DS, MC, and IC). The energies of the line will help you to fully express your personality, your ego - your sunshine! Signs And Symbolism - Things to look out for under your Sun Lines Pluto square AC and Virgo moon at 12 right in the IC line. Answer (1 of 2): Before going further I want to clarify some things. Neptune And Pluto In Synastry - X Pages Blog How To Read Your Astrocartography Chart. Such as : Moon-line crossing the country/place NorthNode-line crossing the country/place SouthNode-line crossing the country/place AstroCartography and Lilith (too old to reply) Sagastume 2004-01-07 01:39:15 UTC. Neptune line: This is where our spirituality lies. SoCal: On My Moon/IC Line. When you pull up your astrocartography map, by going to < astro click travel, you'll find that your map is covered in longitudinal lines. 4. "They do this by taking these points and applying them to each planet, in. Coming soon! 200km / 124 miles). These relationships provide and require nourishment for both individuals to go off and be their most authentic selves. So recently I got into astro location charts. and how planetary interactions impact you as a person IRL, Clervoix explains. If you have a symbol within this location look up the meaning below. There are lines running vertically and horizontally on the map. Living in a secluded area. As of version 8.5, AstrolDeluxe ReportWriter has been upgraded to calculate and display both styles of maps with planet lines for a person: the well-known Jim Lewis-style Astrocartography maps and the less well-known Local Space, azimuth, or horizon chart maps. So when it . If viewing this from a past life standpoint, a Moon line could indicate where the person might have spent other lifetimes. Astrocartography maps. Astrocartography can be used to help people find the best places to live, work and find love in the world. I'm in Encinitas, CA for a couple of days following Steven Forrest's Apprenticeship Program meeting. Something I noticed about my location chart was that the country Ive been longing to go to for years now is right on my Moon and Jupiter . Topic: Moon/Jupiter IC line in astrocartography: SoulOfABird Knowflake . This interpretation of the Moon in aspect to the IC embraces a loose brainstorm-style of writing to explore astrological themes. It's not unusual to find parental connections with the Sun Lines, in particular male family members including father and grandfather. A couple of years ago, a vedic astrologer told me that I will NEVER ever EVER get whatever I deeply desire or want. . And as you know, your chart is all about the details of your birth (such as location, date, time, etc.) How to read your Astrocartography Map. iving a sheltered life. In these places, the energy of a certain cosmic principle is more pronounced. These four angles indicate where the planet on that day was rising . Say, we have 2 cities, city "A" is much closer to the Moon IC line (say 10 miles), while the other ("B") is further west (30 miles west from 1st city, so 40 miles west from the Moon line). Astrocartography is a locational astrology mapping systems that focuses on all of the elements like the moon (emotional needs) and Venus (love and money) elements of the natal charts, by identifying these factors on a world map. It's possible that there are other angular features you're not considering. Living in a secluded area. While sometimes straying toward the maudlin, by and large the person will feel emotionally connected under a Moon line. The technique of Astro*Carto*Graphy entails calculating the locations on the Earth where each of the twelve planetary bodies (including the Sun, Moon, Pluto, Chiron and the Node) appear to be at one of the four angles: Ascendant, Midheaven (MC), Setting (Descendant) or at the IC. This energy also leaves you feeling more emotional. 3. Spark your imagination when thinking about natal, transit, solar return, or progression meanings. It repositions your main planets (the sun, moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, as well as the nodes) on a globe, indicating their astrological axis locations in your horoscope. It has a reflective influence, so your moon IC line might be a place where you can make headway with a practice like therapy or meditation, getting in touch with deep-seated emotions. And that is exactly what . Living with your parents into adulthood. #2. Look carefully at the map and you will see notations such as this: "Mars/MC.". The closer you are to a line, the closer you feel the energy of that planet. Some Fundamentals of Astrocartography. Relocation astrology (or locational astrology) is actually a collection of astrological techniques, which includes: 1. Astrocartography is so magical. Astrocartography; Astrology; Locational Astrology; . This part of Southern California has my Moon/IC line . Okay, so the first, the very first astrocartography moon line mindset maintaining your purpose away from you is first-day actions. Also relating to celestial cartography . You can get your free astrocartography chart done here (as always, for an accurate reading your exact birth time will be needed). an abundance of out-of-bounds Capricorn planets: the Moon, Mercury, Venus . This is where Astrocartography may show some insights and results. They can make or damage you often times what happens. iving a sheltered life. Well-known member. Well-known member. Hi group! Topic: Moon/Jupiter IC line in astrocartography: SoulOfABird Knowflake . - Louis Pasteur. My natal Sun is at 1'03 Gemini, conjunct my MC (2'53 Gemini), both sextile Jupiter (3'45 Leo). Moon Line - Astrocartography for emotions For my personal Astrocartography Map, the Moon IC line runs straight through San Diego.The moon line shows places you will feel very at home. Sun: The Sun describes how we can feel seen in relationships. "Astrogeography is the study of how planetary energies are affecting us in different locations around the world It's based on what positions the planets were in the sky at the moment of our birth," explains Dubinet in her Intro to Astrogeography Course. These lines indicate the primary influences of each planet based on their positions on the four angles. #2. Astrocartography can be used to identify places where you'll be most successful or even find true love. Angularity is a powerful secret to the effectiveness of A*C*G. In this video I discuss Saturn IC Astrocartography line -- Working with the energy from soul perspective.Saturn IC Astrocartography line -- Working with the . So both cities fall under the influence of this lines. You will want to nurture the people around you. Basically, astrocartography is an astrology system which focuses on your natal chart, sharing your energy meridian lines on the best places for you to live, work and travel. Depending on which line crosses a point can indicate different things. I am at a critical point in my life: (1) my partner and I are trying to conceive (and have come across multiple medical and other issues in making this happen); and (2) I am in the running for a . And the transiting Neptune will hit the MC line this year and the other, I've read that is not a good idea to move to a city with this . The IC on the birth chart is placed exactly . Essentially, astrocartography is how the placements of the planets affect the energies we feel in certain places we live or visit, depending on when and where we were born. Abu Dhabi in the UAE, to the west of my Pluto IC and Moon IC lines What do Pluto and Moon lines symbolize in astrocartography? 2. The relocated birth chart. What the Moon line in astrocartography means, using the experience and example of my own Moon line through Dubai, United Arab Emirates. You likely sync with yourself and feel more comfortable and confident. Depending on which line crosses a point on the planet, you can determine the position of the Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, and more. Even if you aren't directly on a planetary line, you'll still feel the orb of influence of that line up to 400 miles. However, the thing is that interactions with people. Astrocartography, also known as locational and relocation astrology, is a tool used by astrologers to map out geographical locations that support your endeavors and places that could sap you of. That is why Astrocartography often works so well. By far the greatest number of spontaneous synchronistic phenomena that I have had occasion to observe and analyze can easily be shown to have a direct connection with an archetype.