merovingian blood type. If you don't have the Rh factor, you're considered Rh-negative; if you have it, you're Rh-positive. The Epic of Gilgamesh is perhaps one of the oldest written stories. 4 Comments. I'm not RH negative, by the way (some asked me that). The Jesus bloodline refers to the proposition that a lineal sequence of descendants of the historical Jesus has persisted to the present time. 0.3% AB-negative, 1% B-negative, and 2% A-negative Latin American: 0.2% AB-negative, 1% B-negative, and 2% both A-negative and AB-positive . O Rh negative - Pure blue blood of the Gods, very rare. The most common blood of modern humans. The chosen 144,000 have the mission to keep watch zealously over My Law, to reanimate the people in their journey; to defend the faith. According to popular belief, people containing the Rh Negative blood (especially O Negative) are said to have special abilities and higher intellect than those who have Rh Positive blood. A Rh negative - Mixed, God and human type 1. Rh Negative Blood - The Holy Grail Bloodline - Grail Children. See more ideas about blood groups, o blood type, negativity. March 26, 2021. Jesus and Marys bloodline and truths that explain why o neg blood types are different. I have RH negative blood and my body temp is lower than most people but I dont have scales and cant shape shift. The Merovingian Bloodline. EXPLANATION OF RH NEGATIVE BLOOD (RESEARCH NEEDED) Earthcode: Bloodline of the Holy Grail ~ Forbidden truth revealed through Historical Evidence & Ancient Texts. O Rh positive - Mixed, God and human. . I'm not RH negative, by the way (some asked me that). As detailed in Bloodline of the Holy Grail, the brutal Catholic Inquisitions of the Middle Ages were set against all the so-called heretics who in one way or another supported the Messianic Blood Royal (the Sangral) of the Dragon Kings against the corrupted dogma of the bishops. merovingian blood type. 3.Scientists could only clone rh positive but failed with rh negative blood. May 4, 2017. One theory suggests that people with Rh-Negative blood are descendants of the Hyperborean race, a blonde-haired and blue-eyed race of humans. Very rare. So the people who have inherited RH bloodline are a mixed breed. What does the rare RH negative blood type have to do with the Israelite bloodline? 25. O Rh negative - Pure blue blood of the Gods, very rare. Here are the . And more than half of the ABO blood groups were found to be the otherwise rare AB blood group. (Rh-Negative blood factor) was a viking, sole survivor of a . Discussion about The Holy Grail [Page 2] at the GodlikeProductions Conspiracy Forum. This is most likely the first humans created by the God/Human mix. Rh Negative Facts. Don't let scams get away with fraud. Your Rh status describes whether or not you have a protein on the surface of red blood cells. Jeremiah 23:4-6. May 4, 2017. The list of books and authors the promote the Merovingian bloodline go on and on. Nope, black hair. Fact # 12: This bloodline from Jesus gave to the world a Rh negative type O blood line - the purest, most valuable blood in the world. Rh negative blood- Holy Grail Bloodline. Posts: 6,864. Imagine the amount of human energy and interest which has been wasted wondering if the self embedded PENT pattern in Holy Blood Holy Grail - was magic, or mystery or religion or witchcraft or Jesus blood returning. accrington cemetery opening times; what time does green dot post tax refunds; lea funeral home facebook; parker county sheriff election 2021 Most people have no idea that the Rh Negative Merovingian Holy Grail bloodline was a contaminated alien hybrid line. With a strong background in website development and marketing, combined with a shared ambition to seek the truth, our website was born. Priory of Sion. In my writings this bloodline has been interwoven into the text of many articles, but It hasn't been singled out very much. The Danaans also settled on Cyprus and in ancient times it was known as Ia-Dan or the "Isle of Grail Children - The Holy Grail Bloodline - Rh Negative Posted by Tau Tia L Douglass at 08:20. The highest concentrations occur in the Basque region of Spain and France. A Rh negative - Mixed, God and human type 1. B Rh negative - Mixed, God and human type 2. This is a hypothetical example of an Rh Negative baby born to two positive parents: (Rh positive, regardless of blood type, is always dominant.) Dragon Descent Bloodline Chart Part Two Is the Merovingian Dragon Bloodline related to: The Imperial and Royal Dragon Court, the Kabbalists, the Holy Grail Hunters thru the Sabbatean frankists, the O.T.O. OUT OF MIND HEALTH & MEDICAL INFO RH NEGATIVE BLOOD TYPE Bloodline of the Holy Grail. The Holy Grail authors promoting the Merovingian bloodline do not mention that the RH Negative DNA they carried was contaminated with Alien Copper Based Aquatic DNA anomalies, which is where the term REPTILIAN BLOOD CAME FROM. Blood type is a bloodline - RH Negative - RH Positive Blood. See more of BLOODLINE OF THE HOLY GRAIL on Facebook. I've come across a few people online who believe they are the rightful heir to the British throne; one of them I knew in real life. Father Neg/Pos = an Rh positive blood type (baby inherits randomly the dad's negative gene. Shares: 310. Oct 19, 2017 - Explore Marge Martinka's board "RH negative" on Pinterest. Subscribe. It is about the adventures of the historical King of Uruk. Was the Holy Grail a cup that contained the blood of Christ or was it the bloodline of Jesus Christ and Mary Magdalene? Fact #14: The St. John family [with that actual surname] originated in . 55 of those findings were diagnosable. These authors have incredible information to share with readers and a great deal of it . The most common blood of modern humans. They do. may have some necessary key. Their "royal" blood, is the Sangreal or Holy Grail and is indeed different from that of humans. . The HOLY GRAIL writers appear to have associated the RED HAIR GREEN-EYED "Serpent Bloodline of the Cain with the Merovingian Kings that were a hybrid line of kings. Rh Negative Blood - The Holy Grail Bloodline - Grail Children. "The Return of the Davidic Dynasty". Very common. Are the Holy Grail authors right when they make reference to a HOLY BLOODLINE that is associated with Jesus, yet instead promote a satanic bloodline known as the Merovingian's. Is there a link between the Nazarene tribe of Jesus (Yashua) Mary Magdalene, the Magdalene Era in . I quit talk on Rh negative blood type and it's possible relevance to Jesus and Mary Magdalene sto. Very common. 25. Many of them incorporate SATANIC PAGAN doctrines. Even some Whites have the Mary Magdalene bloodline Rh negative and they have the celestial nose. The Holy Grail of the bloodline of Jesus is called Sang Real (royal blood), dating back to the lineage of Adam, Eve, Seth, Moses, Noah, and King David. March 26, 2021. upon researching, you will find many sources that claim the Rh Negative blood type is the blood of the gods. . whiteangel said: Many rhesus negative people show a lot of the following traits: 1. This is most likely the first humans created by the God/Human mix. To extend My work in this Third Era, I have come to choose from among the great multitudes, 144,000 . in5d. O Rh positive - Mixed, God and human. About 85 percent of people are Rh-positive, though it varies by race. O Rh negative is the most pure blood and Y DNA lines are Haplogroups J and I. mtDNA haplogroup H. These lines can be traced back through Pictist Royalty, Merovingians, Cohen Priests and Egypt Royalty. And more than half of the ABO blood groups were found to be the otherwise rare AB blood group. The best-known work depicting a bloodline of Jesus is the 2003 best-selling novel and global phenomenon, The Da Vinci Code, joined by its 2006 major cinematic release of the same name.In these, Dan Brown incorporated many of the earlier bloodline themes as the background underlying his work of conspiracy fiction.The author attested both in the text and public interviews to the veracity of the . They are obsessed! Very common. Others call them Annunaki. O Rh negative - Pure blue blood of the Gods, very rare. The average among most people is only 15%-Rh negative, while some groups have very little. Don't be in the dark about the living lineage of Jesus get your copy of Holy Bloodline Holy Grail! 55 of those findings were diagnosable. Which brings us to The Holy Blood and The Holy Grail originally published in 1982 and written by the trio: Henry Lincoln, Michael Baignet and Richard Leigh - two of whom ended up in litigation with Dan Brown - but that's another story. 2,853 people follow this. 7. The Merovingian bloodline is not the PURE Rh Negative BLONDE BLUE-EYED Scandinavian descendents of Jesus Yashua and his Nazarene tribes. The Royal"Human/Anunnaki Hybrid Bloodline with Michael Lee Hill. Subscribe to: Post Comments (Atom) Blood Type Personality. Please contact admin for registration. There is so much more, but know this, you have been lied to, you have been programmed. Log In. The Jesus bloodline theory has become famous through the works The Holy Blood and the Holy Grail, the book by Michael Baigent, Richard Leigh, and Henry Lincoln, which was based on Pierre Plantard's Priory of Sion, and The Da Vinci Code by Dan Brown which closely follows the theory, presenting it as the basis for a fictional drama involving catholic conspiracy. "Holy Blood Holy Grail", Sir Laurence Gardner's books etc. Rhesus Negative Worldwide. This is not to say people not belonging to this bloodline have no such abilities. This bloodline is believed to be O- Rh Negative, which is the rarest type of blood, possessed by about 7% of humans. merovingian blood type. Message [Page 1 of 1] 1 Bloodline of the Holy Grail Mon May 08, 2017 7:51 pm. It is commonly referred to as 'hemolytic disease' or death of the unborn. David's Righteous Branch. Likes: 619. Community See All. In time the Church, as well as the new King of France (who it is said was awash in Templar debt) had enough, the decree went out and the once untouchable Knights Templar who had . Blood type is a bloodline - RH Negative - RH Positive Blood. My blood is 0 positive, the most common of all types. Get your copy now. Rh negative blood type lacks an antigen that perpetuate the release of antibodies in the event of an invasion by viruses and bacteria.